DBSA Middletown

Our Services - Why Attend a DBSA Support Group?

Our Services - Why Attend a DBSA Support Group?
Contact Us

DBSA support groups provide the kind of caring and assistance that is important to lasting recovery.  DBSA support group participants say that their DBSA groups:
+  Provide a safe and welcoming forum for mutual acceptance, understanding, and self-discovery.
+  Give them the opportunity to reach out to others and benefit from the experience of those who have "been there".
+  Motivate them to follow their treatment plans
+  Help them understand that mood disorders do not define who they are
+  Help them rediscover strengths and humor they may have thought they had lost.

"The Members of my DBSA support group reached out to me, and made me realize that I was not alone.  If not for the support that I received from this organization, I probably wouldn't be here..."
--DBSA support group participant

For any questions or to schedule an appointment please e-mail us at:

DBSA Middletown Information


"We've been there. We can help."